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Meadowbrook R&D

We are currently working on bringing affordable NDE test pieces to the market. There is a monopoly of test pieces with known flaws in the industry. Meadowbrook Labs department manufactures defect plates for ultrasonic inspection along with calibration blocks. Our goal is to allow the employee to purchase flaws in a price range any tech can afford. These test pieces will all be built with a single flaw and represent specific defects found in the field. This will allow technicians to study and understand the signals from individual features. The benefits will build confidence with technicians in the field and also build the quality of inspectors in the industry.  


Model Test Piece

3D printed test piece with know flaws. This is a single V groove weld model with two known features built into the weld. 

Internal Flaws

Building the features with 3D printing allows us to have extreme accuracy with regard to orientation. This is an internal model showing a side wall LOF flaw as well as LOP root defect. 

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